Sunday, February 9, 2025

Chelan residents voice fire, parking, and safety concerns to city council


CHELAN – Public comment from half a dozen Chelan residents concerned over July 4 fireworks dangers, parking congestion, and safety issues opened the July 9 meeting of the city council. 

Residents caught in the thick of the July 4 holiday crush raised issues ranging from illegal and double parking to emergency access, vehicle speed, fire danger, and more.

First on the list of speakers, Margie Lynch, a 44-year resident of Chelan Butte, summed up the frustrations of many when she described access difficulties caused by parking congestion.

“It’s become increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for emergency vehicles to go up or down the road in response to emergencies,” said Lynch,

Lynch said she went to both the police and fire departments for help but without success.

Another resident noted that fireworks continued going off even as emergency vehicles were responding to a fire incident in the same area. 

Another said the absence of solutions to the hazardous conditions is causing some homeowners to lose their fire insurance coverage or suffer premium surcharges.

A local teacher noted that, particularly during the tourist holiday events, the city parks are becoming overcrowded.

Another said the law enforcement and fire departments do not have enough resources to respond to the volume of calls.

In other council business:

  • Mayor Erin McCardle read a timely Parks and Recreation Professional Day Proclamation declaring July 19 as Park and Recreation Professionals Day.

“This proclamation couldn’t come on a better day,” said McCardle in the wake of the previous public comments.

  • Council approved a crosswalk at the intersection of Bradley Street and Johnson Avenue. Public Works Direct Jalke Youngren said the city received three proposals and selected the lowest, $110,505, from Rudnick and Sons, LLC.
  • Council approved a General Services Agreement with Erlandsen, Inc. for on-call survey services.
  • Council approved a task order with Erlandsen, Inc. for right-of-way dedication and utility easements 1 and 2 for the Anderson Road project.
  • Discussed hiring a Parks and Recreation Assistant Director. McCardle requested that the position be up for a vote at the next council meeting.

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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