CHELAN – Adjustments and additions have been made in estimates provided by the Lake Chelan School District Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) since its report last March to Superintendent Brad Wilson. In his presentation to the school board on June 8, Wilson revisited the earlier figures and highlighted new estimates and information from the previous disclosure at the April board meeting.
“One thing we are waiting for is a mass of quotes,” Wilson began.
Speaking of the Morgen Owings Elementary School remodel or replacement estimates, Wilson posed a question.
“What would it take if we had to house 475 elementary kids for a whole year if we went for the remodel option?”
He then referred to the arbitrary $1 million allowance in the estimate to cover temporary housing costs.
“This could be anywhere from $3-to-$5 million,” noted Wilson, “That really changes the difference between remodeling and building new drastically.”
Water availability in the Apple Blossom area, where the district owns property, remains a key factor in selecting a new elementary site.
“That would be an option for a site to build a new elementary if we decided that was the direction we wanted to go,” said Wilson. “Right now, you could not permit anything over in that area.”
The current MOE remodel estimate is $37,835,000; building new is $46,550,000. A $3-to-$5 million would significantly close the difference.
Remodel Morgen Owings Elementary and add a gymnasium
Potential construction costs = $27,025,000,
Potential project costs $27,025,000*1.4 = $37,835,000.
(*project cost adds 40% for incidentals and other fees
New elementary at the new site
Potential construction costs = $33,250,000
Potential project costs $33,250,000*1.4 = $46,550,000
Board member Erik Nelson asked what would become of the MOE structure if a new building site was chosen.
Wilson said opinions range from selling to keeping/leasing and alternate uses.
“Some people think it would make a great senior or low-income housing complex,” said Wilson. “There are old school buildings in Cheney and in Cle Elum that have been remodeled to fit that need.”
Nelson inquired about demolition costs.
“It’s about $2 million to demo MOE and haul it all off,” said Wilson. “We got a detailed quote on that, but we are still talking about trying to build on the same site while school is in session there.”
One substitution of grass for artificial turf lowered the estimate for a new stadium at Mountain Goat Field.
Stadium @ Mt. Goat Field
New stadium for track, soccer, and football
Potential construction costs = $7,825,000 (now $6,225,000)
Potential project costs $7,825,000*1.4 = $10,955,000 (now $8,715,000)
“Athletics always come up, the soccer field keeps coming up, and the fact that we don’t have a track,” said Wilson.
An update to the school roof project favored repairs over replacement.
Chelan MS/HS repaired existing metal roof
Potential construction costs = $392,500
Potential project costs $392,500*1.2 = $471,000
Chelan MS/HS replace existing metal roof
Potential construction costs = $2,355,000
Potential project costs $2,355,000*1.2 = $2,826,000
“Good news on the roof,” said Wilson. “We just had a more detailed inspection. They think definitely the way to go with the middle school/high school would be repairs. There is a lot that needs to be repaired but still way better than a total replacement.”
Inspectors give the roof another 15 years if all the seams are repaired correctly, the vulnerable spots addressed around vents, HVAC pieces, and related areas where leaks are likely to occur first.
A tenth project added to the previous nine since March is:
Chelan Middle-Senior High School add elevator
Potential construction costs = $600,000
Potential project costs = $600,000*1.2 = $840,000
“Ultimately as we continue to move forward in the next one-to-three years it has to be something we all feel we can support and it’s good for our community,” said Wilson. “Which is why we have a pretty good mix of community and district members on the Facility Advisory Team.”
Wilson noted that the project estimates involve some huge numbers, and “they get more sizeable by about five to 10 percent per year.”
That reality, combined with other variables, keeps the FAC on its toes, reevaluating developments that can affect project costs.
“Cost is our No.1 driving factor and it will be scrutinized massively by the community as it should be,” said Wilson. “We want to make sure we do our homework and have some details to the costs.”
Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or
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