CHELAN - The Lake Chelan Health Hospital board of directors held a Community Forum on Monday, January 16 in the dining hall at the new hospital. Those interested in attending were invited to be there in person or attend via Zoom. Those attending in person from the community numbered less than 10 in person, with some attending via Zoom. There were also a number of hospital staff present, along with hospital board members, Mary Murphy, Jordana LaPorte, Mary Signorelli, CEO Aaron Edwards, COO/CNO Shawn Ottley, Sam Nau, Revenue Cycle Director, and CFO Brant Truman. Board members Lori Withrow and Jeremy Jaech were unable to attend.
Topics on the agenda were Annual Overview, Finance, Quality Program, Community Health Needs Assessment, Facilities, and Services and Providers, followed by questions and discussion.
Mary Signorelli gave the update on the facilities. She stated that it was over 75 years ago that a group of local businessmen formed Lake Chelan Hospital Association and they were intent on providing hospital facilities to the public. It will be 75 years this year that we in the valley have enjoyed a hospital and health care here in the valley through that hospital.
The first hospital closed after 25 years, then the second hospital was built and opened in 1972. It is now 50 years old (now called the Highland Campus).
For the new hospital on Apple Blossom Drive it took five years from the passing of the bond levy in 2017 to building the new hospital. Building took from April of 2021 to December 5, 2022 when they opened.
A short video was played showing the closing of the the Highland Campus Hospital and the opening of the new hospital.
The hospital district currently has four campuses: The Highland Campus, which includes the old hospital and a modular building; the Express, Primary and Speciality Care Clinics located on Johnson Avenue, and the new hospital on Apple Blossom Drive.
The old hospital, Highland Campus, is currently being used by the EMS for offices on the third floor, along with their Care Connect office and for sleeping quarters. It is also be used for, Human Resources, and classes like CPR and First Aid care being taught there. They are in the processes of how they could use it more in the future. The double stack is their business office and those offices could be consolidated into the Highland Campus in the future.
Planning for the future
The hospital district is working with a Master Planning Facilities Organization and they are helping them look to the future and what they can do on the new hospital campus, to bring all their campuses into one location and to use the 12 acres more efficiently.
Possibilities include a three story, 45,000 square foot medical clinic and office building by the highway (97A), a laundry facility, and EMS facilities.
The Lake Chelan Health Hospital Board of Directors will hold a Strategic Planning meeting on Tuesday, February 7. Time and location are yet to be determined. Information will be available on the hospitals website,, once it is decided.
Look for more on the Community Forum meeting in next week’s paper.
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