WENATCHEE/CHELAN/OMAK - Join us for WSU Tree Fruit Extension Programs in North Central Washington on January 17,18,19, 21, and February 7. Co-sponsored by Northwest Cherries, Pear Bureau Northwest, NCW Fieldmen’s Association, Chelan Future Farmers of America and the Okanogan Horticultural Association. These events provide the latest research-based information on horticulture, pest and disease management.
We hope you will join us to network and learn this winter. For agendas and additional information visit http://treefruit.wsu.edu/events. Pesticide update credits will be awarded for program attendance 2-3 credits per session dependent on WSDA approval. No pre-registration required for in person sessions. Registration required for virtual participation in Apple, Pear and Stone Fruit Days.
Networking lunch. Pre-registration required for lunch. Networking lunch provides an opportunity to learn and network with your peers and visiting speakers. Thank you to lunch sponsors: Apple Day: FMC; Pear Day: TBD.; Stone Fruit Day: GS Long. Visit treefruit.wsu.edu/events to register for lunch.
Jan. 17, NCW Apple Day at Wenatchee Convention Center (with online option)
Jan. 17, Manejo de Frutales Spanish Session at Wenatchee Convention Center
Jan. 18, NCW Stone Fruit Day at Wenatchee Convention Center (with online option)
Jan. 19, NCW Pear Day at Wenatchee Convention Center (with online option)
Jan. 21, Lake Chelan Horticultural Day Chelan High School
Feb. 7, Okanogan Horticultural Society at Okanogan County AgriPlex
Get your pesticide update credits
North Central Washington Apple Day
Tuesday, January 17, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (check-in 8:30 a.m.)
Wenatchee Convention Center/ Virtual
Co-Sponsored by WSU Extension and NCW Fieldmen’s Association
Topics include: Session 1: Pest and Disease Management: Codling Moth Survey; Apple IPM Reminders; Conserving Natural Enemies; Fire Blight. Session 2: Mitigating Climate Impacts: Water Supply Vulnerabilities; Irrigation Panel; Netting for Hail and Sunburn. Session 3: Rootstocks: Role of Rootstocks in Plant Nutrition; Rootstocks for Replant Tolerance
Agenda at http://treefruit.wsu.edu/event/apple-day-2023/
Manejo de Frutales
Tuesday, January 17, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Wenatchee Convention Center
Co-Sponsored by WSU Extension and NCW Fieldmen’s Association
Topics include: Fuego Bacteriano / Fire Blight; Exploración efectiva/ Scouting; Diagnóstico de problemas en los árboles/ Diagnosing Tree Problems; Manejo de chicharritas / Leafhopper management
Agenda at http://treefruit.wsu.edu/event/manejo-de-frutales/
North Central Washington Stone Fruit Day
Wednesday, January 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (check-in 8:30 a.m.)
Wenatchee Convention Center/ Virtual
Co-Sponsored by WSU Extension and NW Cherries
Topics include: Spotted Wing Drosophila & Western Cherry Fruit Fly; Powdery Mildew and Shot Hole: X-disease Vector Management; Pre-emergent Herbicides; Season Effects on Bud Formation, Fruit Set; Blue Orchard Bees; Climate Impacts on Pollination
Agenda at http://treefruit.wsu.edu/event/stone-fruit-day-2023/
North Central Washington Pear Day
Thursday, January 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (check-in 8:30 a.m.)
Wenatchee Convention Center
Co-sponsored by WSU Extension and Pear Bureau Northwest
Topics include: Session 1: Pest and Disease Management: Post Harvest Pathogen Prevention; Natural Enemy Releases; Pear Psylla Management. Session 2: Production, Quality and Profits: High Density Pears Virtual Tour; Impacts of Hot Weather on Storage; Optimizing Fruit Set.
Agenda at http://treefruit.wsu.edu/event/pear-day-2023/
Lake Chelan
Horticultural Day
Saturday, January 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (check-in 8:30 a.m.)
Chelan High School
Co-sponsored by WSU Extension and Chelan Future Farmers of America
Topics include: Replant Considerations, Reduce your Bi-annual Bearing, 2022 Pest Management; New Technology Evaluation
Agenda at http://treefruit.wsu.edu/event/chelan-fruit-day/
Okanogan Horticultural Society Meeting
Tuesday, February 7, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (check-in 8:30 am)
Agriplex, Omak
Co-Sponsored by Okanogan Horticultural Society
Topics include: Apple maggot, Invasive insects, Spotted wing drosophila, Pear psylla, Labor law changes, Optimizing labor
Agenda at http://treefruit.wsu.edu/event/okanogan-horticultural-meeting/
For more information visit treefruit.wsu.edu/events or contact Tianna DuPont tianna.dupont@wsu.edu, 509-293-8758
Extension programs and employment are available without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local extension office.
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