Thursday, February 13, 2025

NOTICE: Announcement of Modification of ...


NOTICE: Announcement of Modification of Coverage Under a General Permit to Discharge to State Waters PERMIT NO: WAG137019 FACILITY NAME: Chelan Falls Rearing Facility Hatchery PERMITTEE: Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) The WDFW has notified Ecology of an increase in fish production that results in a modification of coverage under the Upland Finfish Hatching and Rearing General Permit (the general permit), in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 173.226 Washington Administrative Code, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended. This modification of coverage is for the Chelan Falls Rearing Facility Hatchery, permit number WAG137019, located at 254 Powerhouse Rd, Chelan Falls, Washington. The production increase is for a maximum of 60,000 pounds of fish on station in one month from the previous maximum during the 2021-2026 permit cycle of 19,000 pounds. The Chelan Falls Rearing Facility Hatchery previously reared up to 60,000 pounds of fish during past permit cycles. This modification is for discharge of wastewater associated with rearing, acclimating, and producing anadromous fish species at Chelan Falls Hatchery, all discharges to be in compliance with Washington’s Water Quality Standards. TENTATIVE DETERMINATIONS Ecology proposes to issue this modification of coverage under the general permit to the above listed applicant to discharge to public water, subject to certain effluent limitations and special permit conditions. These determinations are tentative. A final determination will not be made until all comments received pursuant to this notice have been evaluated. PUBLIC COMMENT AND INFORMATION Any person desiring to present their view to the Department of Ecology regarding this permit application may do so in writing within thirty days of the last date of publication of this notice. Comments shall be submitted to the Department of Ecology. Any person interested in Ecology's action on this modification may notify Ecology of their interest within thirty days of the last date of publication of this notice. Comments can be sent to the Washington State Department of Ecology, Central Regional Office, 1250 W. Alder Street, Union Gap, WA  98903-0009, Attn: Upland Finfish General Permit Manager-Marcia Porter, Comments may also be submitted via email to Marcia Porter at If the comments received indicate significant public interest in the applicability of coverage modification, or if useful information could be produced, thereby, the director may hold a public hearing. Ecology shall only consider issues regarding the general permit's applicability or non-applicability to the discharger when considering the need to hold a public hearing. The modification request, general permit, fact sheet, and coverage information may be viewed at the Department of Ecology website: by entering permit number WAG137019. These documents are also available at Ecology’s Central Regional Office, by appointment only, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, weekdays. To schedule an appointment to view copies, 509-406-6624 or email For Washington Relay Service or TTY call 711 or 877-833-6341 or visit in the Lake Chelan Mirror on December 11, 18, 2024, #9045


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