Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another modern day miracle and a Village coming together


A few weeks ago, I sent an editorial to the Lake Chelan Mirror about the tragedy of the Chelan Senior Center’s ReRuns store closing.  I put out a plea to the community to “step up and save the ReRuns store”.  Well, I am so pleased to say that we got our miracle, and ReRuns is here to stay.
There are several out there to thank.  First is the community made it clear to all that ReRuns is a great store, is a necessity and needs to be saved.  The community put out their voices in a cry that was heard loud and clear.  Second, folks like the Lake Chelan Mirror and Richard Uhlhorn with All Things Lake Chelan who helped spread the word of the issue, the Senior Center board, who allowed others to step in and help save the store and the ReRuns Manager, Diane Verella, who is also on the Center’s board, who prepared for the worst, but worked towards the hopeful miracle and a future for the store.  
And finally, and most of all, the building owner Fred Crase, who heard the community speak and understood the need in the valley for the ReRuns Store.  Fred put the needs of the Chelan Valley before his profit-making opportunities, and for that we are grateful.  Fred told us that he remembers what happened to his childhood community when ‘progress’ moved in, and he did not want to see that happen to his new adopted home (Chelan).  What a blessing he has given our community and the Chelan Senior Center.
To me, this proves that when we ALL come together for the greater good, a good that will benefit ALL in our community not just one income level, race, religion, education level, political leanings, but ALL the communities’ resident’s and their needs, things can happen, even if it seems like it is totally out of the realm of reality.  
Being that the holidays are coming, dare I say “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”!  “And his first stop was the ReRuns Store in Chelan!”

Christine Kenck Courtright,


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