Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Chelan Valley Hope looks forward


CHELAN - I recently met with Michael Gibb to talk about Chelan Valley Hope (CVH) and their vision for the next three to five years. Michael, CVH’s Board President, spent his career in the health care industry, nearly 40 years of his life. The strengths he brings to the CVH’s Board include marketing, personnel management, and leadership. Michael joined the Board February 2016 and was selected President May 2018. Board members serve a three-year term.

“This was a year of transformation with the retirement of five Board members and increasing the Board from seven to nine individuals. We are blessed with an active Board, each member bringing something special to the group. We are currently in the final stages of searching for a new Director,” Michael said. “Chelan Valley Hope operates with financial responsibility, making use of many loyal volunteers, including our Board who gives of their time because they believe in our mission,” Michael went on.

When asked why he joined the CVH’s Board, Barry Leahy said, “I joined the CVH Board to help make a positive difference in our community.  My wife and I were regular contributors to CVH through the “Give Naked” program. I have been a volunteer for the “Manger Mall” for a number of years. witnessing the wonderful impact on people’s lives with both programs.”

New CVH Board member Jerry Jackson stated, “I chose to join this team of Chelan Valley Hope volunteers to continue the tradition of giving that others had the foresight to start more than a decade ago.  The Chelan Valley is a better place because of the generosity of those putting their trust in Chelan Valley Hope, who helps those needing a hand up in our community.”

Chelan Valley Hope’s focus is helping individuals and families in crisis accessing basic needs like food, transportation, utilities, rent, clothing, emergency shelter and other social and health services; and empowering people to improve their lives through enrichment programs, family advocacy programs, mental health services, and educational opportunities.

"My vision for Chelan Valley Hope is to continue effectively serving our community; providing resources and referrals, encouragement, and emergency assistance for individuals and families struggling in life. Addressing and preventing homelessness is our major focus.  Our strategic plan includes growth in our client services such as, including community classes in family finances and new parenting skills, in addition to growing our capacity to provide emergency vouchers for food, gas, and utility shut-off prevention.  We are a 501c-3 non-profit and currently a fiscal sponsor of Manger Mall and Tender Loving Care for Seniors. CVH was a major broker of community donations for relief efforts after the 2015 and 2016 wildfires.  We served as the original sponsor of the Chelan Affordable Housing Trust. I am excited to announce that we have re-launched “Give Naked” under the name of “RAISING HOPE”, which is a crowd funding program that will periodically inform and invite the community to donate to a specific need in the Chelan Valley. Be on the lookout for our next Raising Hope need,” Michael said.

And speaking of seeking out funding - “I would like to thank the community for supporting Chelan Valley Hope through our major annual fundraiser, this year’s Woodstock Festival at Watson’s Alpenhorn August 17. Our attendees, sponsors and donors helped raise significant funds for our client assistance programs, and we had a blast!” Michael said proudly. View all the sponsors at the end of this article.

Sharon Patonai, CVH Board member said, “After moving to Manson a year ago, I had been looking into and praying about where to get involved and give back to the community.  I kept hearing about Chelan Valley Hope and all of the great things they do for this community.  My husband then brought home an ad in the paper looking for CVH board members, I realized it was God pointing me in this direction!  I love the mission and am honored to be part of the Board.”

Julie McCoy, another new CVH Board member said, “I accepted a position on the board of CVH because I have a long history of non-profit service. I find meaning and fulfillment in being of service to others. While there are many wonderful non-profits doing amazing work in the area, the mission of CVH resonated strongly with me. During my legal career, I did a lot of pro bono work in the immigration area and found it hugely rewarding. I have been tremendously blessed in my life, and I can’t imagine life without the opportunity to give back to my community and help those in need. As for what I hope to accomplish, I would like to help CVH grow its donor base, cement new partnerships within the community, raise awareness throughout the Chelan Valley about CVH and its mission, and bring new grants and donation monies so that CVH can continue to expand its areas of service.”

“We will continue to seek out funding resources to realize our mission of furthering positive changes in people's lives.  CVH is very thankful for our supporters and local organizations that contribute to our agency through periodic and monthly giving. Sustained giving, on a regular basis, certainly is a wonderful tool as we develop our yearly budget and project our client needs in all categories.  Chelan Valley Hope exists because of our devoted volunteers, and because of generous support from local churches, service clubs, businesses, and individuals.  Every dollar helps us help other to help themselves.  Contact Chelan Valley Hope at 509-888-2114, on our Facebook page, or at to volunteer, to set up an account, or to make a one-time contribution, " Michael concluded.



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