Sunday, May 5, 2024

I am sorry Servando ... but


One of the strangest times of my life were spent in Northern Nevada during the turn of the century. Just saying that phrase out loud makes me think I am part of tomorrow’s history ... and I am, as are you and we, as a society will be judged forever by the actions we take, or fail to take.
About 20 years ago I wrote a column about a Winnemucca, Nevada radio station owner who decided to participate and vote no on the application of an upstanding gentleman who wanted to start his own radio station, which would have been a Christian-music and talk station.
The councilwoman was of a different faith and seemed to feel no compunction about not just the participation in the debate, but the no vote as well.
In my column, I suggested she should have “zipped her lip” in regards to the entire affair and simply recuse herself, but she resented me for even suggesting she may have a conflict of interest.
That’s life in the world of opinion writing. Many folks may love and many may hate whatever topic is on the menu. I will never pretend to please everyone, but half would be just fine.
That brings us to the Spader Bay agenda item placed before the Chelan City Council on Tuesday, September 10.
I am, as a taxpayer, ashamed at the behavior of someone on our City Council or perhaps someone in city hall government staff or, most likely a little of both.
Let me cut to the chase, the City Attorney or one of Servando Robledo’s council-mates should have taken Servando aside and explained that he needed to recuse himself from the vote and the debate in regards to the Spader Bay land deal.
Why? He works for The Lookout, a private commercial housing development which stands to gain hundreds of thousands of dollars in appraisal and sales value due to the new Lake Chelan access as delineated in the Spader Bay land purchase.
Servando is currently the Director of Resort Operations and Property Manager of the Homeowner’s Association at the Chelan Lookout, according to the official city of Chelan website. So obviously all city staff and co-councilmembers know he works there and yet no one came to his aid by explaining his participation was on precarious footing ethics-wise.
I believe Servando is innocent of doing this obvious conflict of interest gaff on purpose, but nonetheless, he did it anyway.
As with anyone who is new at doing anything, there is a trial period when learning takes place, but having a mentor is always a good thing. Servando needs such a mentor as he was (and might still be) oblivious to the entire predicament he has stepped in.
He certainly knows Realtor Guy Evans, who has worked for The Lookout and is now an intimate part of the Spader Bay application and is also involved in the Planning Commission and the Lake Chelan Trails group.
“Recusal”is to disqualify (oneself) as judge in a particular case or to remove (oneself) from participation to avoid a conflict of interest, according to the dictionary.

Contact the author: Email: to voice your opinion. Your email communications will be considered “on the record” which means it is like sending a Letter to the Editor and therefore may be published in a future edition of the Lake Chelan Mirror.


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