Friday, February 14, 2025

Land use hearing considers 38-home Lookout subdivision in Chelan


CHELAN – A land-use hearing held at city hall on Tuesday, Feb. 20, concerns the latest 38-home subdivision in The Lookout community.

Hearing Examiner Andrew Kottkamp heard a report from community development director John Ajax, who summarized the main points contained in the city’s recommendation for approval. Among those points were the critical areas review, project review, public and agency comments, and conditions of approval.

Kottkamp asked if Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) concerns regarding site distance were addressed in the public works comments. Kottkamp said he did not see that in the proposed approval conditions.

Ajax said that despite some initial confusion the final traffic report issued through public works did provide an analysis of and answer to WSDOT concerns.

Ted Schroth, one of The Lookout developers, testified on behalf of the subdivision.

Kottkamp asked if Schroth had the opportunity to review the city staff report and the proposed conditions of approval.

Schroth said he did.

Kottkamp asked if Schroth had any objections to either.

Schroth said he had no objections. 

“Our latest phase, 38 lots, is generally smaller on average than our previous phases,” said Schroth. “We are targeting a lower price point than we have before, which is more affordable. The location…is a pile of rocks and dirt between the Rec center and the hillside and is more or less where this phase is going.”

Schroth said the subdivision will include 16 cottage-style lots with homes of about 1,000 square feet and 22 slightly larger homes of 1,300 or 1,400 sf with more open space than in previous phases.   

“We did receive three letters from homeowners within the Lookout side of erosion issues being experienced,” added Schroth. “We had a meeting with our geotech, builder, landscaper, and facilities contractor.  The issues raised in the letters are actually being addressed, and we will have a fix drainage system constructed within the next couple of weeks, well before we initiate construction for the new phase.”

Kottkamp said he would have a written decision within 10 working days and that, with the exception of an appeal his decision is final and conclusive.

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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