Thursday, May 2, 2024

No Smart Meters


I was disappointed and upset that a serious issue as the Advanced (Smart) Meter installation in Chelan County was so poorly reported on by the Mirror when it came before the City Council a month ago at the request of the Smart Meter Awareness Group (SMAG). The group had asked to educate the Council of the harmful effects of this technology with the goal to move the Council to opt all of Chelan out of the PUD’s Smart Meter Program. Your paper did not report about our initiative and intentions for going before the city council, nor did it mention that our group presented more than 30 minutes of documented research. None of the facts of this research was mentioned or explained in the article. 

However, the PUD’s official version and propaganda of this dangerous technology was laid out in detail. The city council had invited the PUD’s spokesperson Ms Hartmann so they could get informed on both sides of the issue. Too bad the Mirror could not report fairly. After 30 minutes of detailed presentations of study and empirical evidence, all that was written was that there are plenty of benefits to smart meters. Not even the fact that Smart Meters cause fires and that they have happened in our own town, was newsworthy to your reporter.

So, after your front page article became a PUD propaganda piece, let me inform your readers in four short bullet points why Advanced (“Smart”) Radio Frequency Meters are of extreme concern:

Serious Health risks. Multitudes of symptoms/illnesses including cancer has been documented. Young and elderly are especially vulnerable. Don’t believe any documentation issued by WHO or the ACS. Their studies stem from a time when barely anyone owned a smart phone and data on long-term health effects was just not available. Hundreds of scientists have petitioned the WHO to consider new data and to change their safety standards. 

Extreme fire hazards. To reduce costs, manufacturers of Smart Meters have removed crucial spark arresters. Smart Meters have caused many fires. Google it and verify! We cannot introduce such dangers to our extreme fire-prone area.

Detrimental effect on agriculture and environment.  Wildlife and crops are affected. Bees, birds, butterflies are not surviving the EMFs from SmartMeters. Our farmers rely on bees to pollinate their crops. Smart meter radio frequencies have been shown to kill bees.

Personal privacy, security Data sales are a trillion Dollar industry. The PUD promises, but cannot guarantee to keep our information private. Smart Meters can detect when, how much, how long you are running your appliances and what kinds of appliances you use. Basically, your movements and business inside your home will no longer be private. If this information is there, it will be used, if not by the PUD or a buyer, then by the police and the courts.

Opt-out To pacify the large number of protesters against this technology, not only our PUD, but utility companies around the world have resolved to offer individuals the option to opt-out. When asked at the city council whether this guarantee would be there indefinitely, Ms Hartman said that this could not be guaranteed. So your individual opt-out is just a way to get your critical voice out of the discussion until the installation in the whole county is complete.

For more Information, please go to Chelan Smart Meter Awareness on Facebook.



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