Sunday, May 5, 2024

There will be riots in the streets

Apples to Apples


A 2-part diatribe

Because of many recent Trump Administration policies, I predict there will be riots in the streets of America. Family separation of immigrants is just part of the issue.

Here is the shame of it all: No one cares on the right wing because the riots will only take place in urban areas and as all good right wingers know, urban areas are filled with extreme, liberal Democrats, so who cares.

All the major cities will have riots, but not so in the quiet little country towns like Wenatchee where conservatism reigns supreme. Any sentient being who lives anywhere in America will form an opinion and downplay Trump's tyrannical policies if they are right-sided GOP and the reverse is also true - urban liberals will overplay these same policies.

Folks in Detroit, Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Boston, Houston, etc., will riot, especially if they are Black and Latino, while the rural Whites will remain silent with a tacit understanding that their man Trump is, indeed, doing their bidding vis-a-vis immigration and SCOTUS appointees.

What's not to love - if you are right you are winning. If you are left, you are being crushed by all three branches of government. That should all change with the mid-term elections, but only if the Democrats motivate their base and vote enough Republicans out of office.

If they don't vote then they have no excuse to continue whining. Violence, that is rioting, may backfire and cause even more of the right wing and even GOP moderates (like myself) to come out of their complacent closets to stop the so-called predicted "Blue Wave" from ever reaching fruition.

I fail in my predictive efforts if I don't state the obvious. The extreme right may also riot in favor of Trump policies or at least against the left rioters. That means Skinheads, Nazis, White Supremacists, so-called Tea Party, etc., will also be out in those same urban streets bashing the leftists with sticks and stones and perhaps even guns.

Because so many of the extreme Whites live in the rural areas, they will be happy to ride busses and caravan cars into the inner cities to confront the left.

Wherever there is a major college, you can also bet even more riots will happen. Even if those campuses are in the country, the students will riot as they did during the Vietnam War.

Our country elected a man whose main campaign advisor, Steven Bannon, advocated the complete "deconstruction" of the status quo. Guess what folks, he is getting his way.

If you don't vote, I used to think, "well, that is your prerogative." Now I think those who don't vote may very well just shut the heck up because they have become part of the problem.

Either side with or side against, but take a side and make your stand. It is patently false to say your vote just doesn't matter. If that's how you really feel then move to Russia, China, North Korea or Cuba where votes actually don't count.

In reality I am being far too prejudicial against liberals who live in the country and conservatives that live in the cities. I am generalizing because that is exactly what President Trump is doing when he bans Muslims from specific countries from traveling to the United States.

Now the Republican dominated Supreme Court has sided with the travel ban. The millions of Democrats who failed to vote in 2016 can only blame themselves. Those who hated Hillary had better learn to embrace the right wing, because of your "hatred" of her, we have Trump.

You lazy no accounts have caused your own demise.

As the saying goes, you made your bed, now lie in it.

End of Part 1.
Gary Bégin's opinions are not the official views of NCW Media. To reach him email: Any email is subjected to publication as a "letter to the editor" unless explicitly requested not to do so.



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